Fix Your Muhurtham: Muhurtham is the unit for the measurement of time in the Hindu calendar. It refers to an auspicious time or the best time we consider before starting any significant ceremony or pooja. We have 5 attributes in the Hindu calendar Nakshatram, Tithi, Varam, Yoga, and Karanam.
At the start of any auspicious events like purchasing of a new car to the dates for any pooja, homam to ceremonies like Marriage must have performed according to the Muhurta time or the best time which is selected based on various factors like the occasion, the community and following the Hindu Calendar and Vedic scriptures. Poor selection of Muhurta time can cause lifelong suffering and Ill-fated effects.
Book Vadhyar for fixing your Muhurth for all types of poojas, homam, and ceremonies such as Grihapravesham Pooja, Marriage/Wedding Ceremony, Upanayanam Ceremony, Engagement Ceremony, etc. All the Pandits are well experienced and studied from Vedic Pathshala.
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