Janana Nakshatra Shanti Homam
Janana Nakshatra Shanti Homam: There are 27 Nakshatras. Under the influence of different Nakshatras and depending on the Rashi, people are born at the time of birth. Each Nakshatra will have 4 Padam. Based on which Nakshatra and Padam baby is born, some will have positive effects while some will have negative effects that may harm Baby, Father, Mother, Mama, etc. If the baby is born under Durmuhurtham or Varjyam then full Nakshatra Shanti has to be performed.
When To Perform Janana Nakshatra Shanti Homam?
- Nakshatra Shanti Homam/Birth star pooja is performed when the baby is born in Varjyam, Durmuhurtam
- When the Nakshatram falls under doshas, this Shanti should be done within 27 days of birth, or else homam must be done within 3 months from the date of birth.
Benefits Of Janana Nakshatra Shanti Homam:
- Nakshatra homam is performed to reduce the adverse effect of the Nakshatra. All doshas will get removed.
- Performing Nakshatra homam helps to get the positive outcome of the Nakshatra that helps to improve the quality of life.
- If any doshas that may affect the baby’s father, mother, etc will get reduced.
Book Purohit for Nakshatra Shanti Puja Telugu. Purohit will bring all the Pooja Samagri. All the Purohits are well experienced and studied from Vedic Pathshala.
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