The Nichayathartham (Engagement) function is the event done before the marriage by exchanging the rings. It is the legal public announcement of the marriage between the bride and groom in front of their families who agree with each other. Elders and Relations of the couple assemble and make a formal announcement regarding the date and time of the marriage.
The engagement rituals have intense significance in forming a special bond between the pair. By doing this, they promise each other to perform their responsibility and shower affection through thick and thin of life. The priest writes the agreement letter or “Lagna Patrika” and reads it loudly in front of all the family members. The signatures from both the family members are received and documented for legal purposes.
Nichayathartham Pooja starts with Ganapathi Pooja and Punyahavachanam, followed by distributing the new set of clothes to the bride and the groom to get ready for the engagement. Then the couple can seek the blessings of all the elders in the family for a successful and long marriage.
When To Perform Nichayathartham (Engagement)?
As per the Nakshatras and Chandrashtamam of the bride and the groom, this ceremony will take place. It is done both in the morning and also in the evening.
Book Vadhyar for Nichayathartham (Engagement). Vadhyar will bring all the Pooja Samagri(items). All the Vadhyar are well experienced and studied from Vedic Pathshala.
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