Sathabhishekam (80th birthday)


Sathabhishekam is the set of poojas and rituals performed for the couple when the 81st year starts or when the 80th year gets completed. Generally, the couple’s children or in-laws, younger siblings, or relatives organize this 80th birthday pooja. This pooja is considered one of the most significant poojas in our Hindu Traditions.

Key Insights:

  • The celebration of the 80th birthday is called the ‘Sathabhishekam Ceremony’.
  • Performed when the person completes 80th and enters the 81st.
  • Done on the day on which the Janma Nakshatra comes in the month.
  • Main Deities: Lakshmi Narayana Swamy, Parvati Parameshwara.
  • It is an acknowledgment of the person’s sheer experience in life.

Our Promise:

  • Vedic Patashala certified and experienced priests.
  • All rituals follow Vedic Standards and Procedures.
  • High-quality Samagri to ensure a pleasant Pooja experience.
  • Guaranteed Punctuality and Authenticity.
  • Professional Guidance & Support.

Sathabhishekam (80th birthday)

Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is a ceremony that is celebrated when the man completes the age of 80 also called Sahastrachandra Darshana Shanti. This age is of great importance since, by this age, one has fulfilled his commitment towards home, family, society. The man is assumed to have crossed 1000 full moons in their lifetime, and they start to increase the spirituality in their lives. Seeking the couple’s blessings during this occasion is auspicious. 

This ceremony is performed by doing different homam like Ayushya homam, Mrityunjaya homam, Navagraha homam So that the couple has a happy and healthy life ahead.

When To Perform Sathabhishekam 80th Birthday Pooja?

The Sathabhishekam has to be done on the Nakshatra birthday and Thithi of the person entering the 81st year or completing 80th year.

Benefits Of Sathabhishekam 80th Birthday Pooja:

  • Performing the Sathabhishekam ceremony helps to receive Lord’s blessings for longevity and to lead a spiritual life.
  • This pooja is recognized to mark the Couple’s journey who have been seeing the rise of their younger generation members/Vamsha.
  • It is marked as the successful married life that a husband has shared with his wife. The young generation can consider them as role models for leading a happy life.

Book Purohit for Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja). Purohit will bring all the Pooja Samagri. All the Purohits are well experienced and studied from Vedic Pathshala.

Note: To View The Cost Of SathabhishekamKindly Click On The “View Pricing And Packages” Button.


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