Vara lakshmi Pooja
Varalakshmi Pooja: Vara means boon and Lakshmi devathai grants all boons to those who perform this pooja with great devotion and purity. Usually, this pooja is performed by married women. Lakshmi devathai is the god of wealth, light, prosperity, fortune & fertility. This pooja is conducted to get the blessings of Lakshmi devathai for the protection of the husband.
The procedure of this homam is by invoking Vara Lakshmi devathai followed by the chanting mantras of Lakshmi and the pooja is performed by offering Lotus flowers to Lord Agni.
When To Perform Varalakshmi Pooja?
This pooja is performed on the day of Lakshmi Viradham. This year it will be on 25th August 2023.
Benefits Of Varalakshmi Pooja :
- Varalakshmi pooja helps in protecting the husband from all the evil eyes and helps in getting a child.
- Performing this pooja helps to eliminate all the obstacles and problems that a person might encounter in their life.
- This pooja helps to remove negative influences, karmic issues, and any dosham in your birth chart.
Book Vadhyar for Varalakshmi Pooja. Vadhyar will bring all the Pooja Samagri(items). All the Vadhyar are well experienced and studied from Vedic Patashala.
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